The GBA proudly stands behind initiatives that promote growth, accessibility, and inclusivity within our beloved community. Today, we lend our enthusiastic support to two transformative projects poised to elevate the quality of life in Gastonia.
We commend the City of Gastonia for its forward-thinking approach in introducing the on-demand microtransit service.
This innovative initiative represents a significant stride towards enhancing public transportation accessibility.
While we celebrate this milestone, we urge the allocation of funds for Phase 2 of the microtransit service.
By expanding to include late-night and Sunday services, we can ensure equitable access to employment centers and educational institutions, fostering economic prosperity and educational opportunities for all residents.
The Garrison LEARNS (Library, Education, Art, Recreation, Nature, Science) Project epitomizes our commitment to creating safe, multimodal transportation infrastructure.
As an integral east-west route in Gastonia, Garrison Boulevard holds immense potential for redevelopment.
The proposed enhancements, including improved bicycle and pedestrian pathways and intersection improvements, aim to transform the corridor into a vibrant, inclusive space for residents of all ages and abilities.
This project aligns seamlessly with our vision of a connected community, where individuals can access essential amenities and recreational facilities with ease.
As a U.S. and North Carolina accredited Chamber of Commerce, the GBA recognizes the profound impact of these initiatives on Gaston County businesses and residents alike. We urge decision-makers to prioritize the allocation of resources towards these projects, underscoring our collective commitment to progress, innovation, and inclusivity in Gastonia.
Together, let us champion a future where transportation is accessible, neighborhoods thrive, and opportunities abound. Thank you for considering our steadfast support for these transformative endeavors.