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🌽 NC Ag Leads: Revolutionizing North Carolina's Agriculture

The GBA is dedicated forging partnerships with organizations across the state to broaden our knowledge and bring valuable insights to our community.

  • One such collaboration is with the NC Chamber, a leading force in advancing North Carolina's economic landscape.

Last week, the NC Chamber shared a formal announcement of NC Ag Leads, a strategic planning initiative for the state's agriculture industry.

  • This endeavor, supported by the Golden LEAF Foundation, NC Farm Bureau, and Google, aims to position North Carolina's agricultural sector as a continued economic powerhouse.

  • Led by a distinguished steering committee, including Commissioner of Agriculture Steve Troxler, this initiative promises a future of sustainable success for our state's primary economic driver.

What's next: Golden LEAF has identified the NC Chamber Foundation to lead a strategic visioning and planning process. It will bring together agriculture stakeholders to address industry-wide, cross-cutting topics.

“I never cease to be amazed by the state’s agriculture and agribusiness industry and its collective contributions to the state and the world. I believe it has an even brighter future ahead as we work together to increase production to meet the global demand for food,” said N.C. Agriculture Commissioner Steve Troxler.
  • NC Ag Leads will conduct a research and planning exercise that brings together North Carolina’s agriculture leaders, investors, and influencers to identify policy recommendations and strategies for fostering agricultural innovation, job creation, and economic growth in rural North Carolina.

What they're saying: “Golden LEAF is proud to be the lead funder in this initiative that will broaden our impact in rural and economically distressed areas,” said Golden LEAF President Scott T. Hamilton. “NC Ag Leads will deliver a roadmap of clear and actionable steps to best prepare North Carolina to continue to be a leader in agriculture into the future.”

  • Phase one of the initiative, focused on researching and discerning opportunities, barriers, and alignment within the state’s agriculture industry, is underway and will culminate at the end of June 2024.

  • Pending Steering Committee review and approval, phase two of the project will consist of solving and executing on the initiatives identified in phase one.

  • Phase two will begin in July 2024 and conclude in January 2025.

“With its $103 billion annual contribution to our state’s economy, agribusiness and agriculture drive a major share of North Carolina’s economic success and status as a top state to do business.”

“North Carolina Farm Bureau’s mission aligns perfectly with the goals of NC Ag Leads, and I have every confidence this initiative will deliver tools and strategies necessary to strengthen and support North Carolina agriculture, agribusiness and rural communities for the years ahead,” said NC Farm Bureau President Shawn Harding.

The bottom line: At the conclusion of the NC Ag Leads strategic planning process, the North Carolina agriculture community will have agreed to a set of priorities that are both aspirational and attainable.


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