As a community poised for growth, it is imperative that our residents actively participate in local elections and embrace the opportunities before us.
Why it matters: Local elections, often overlooked in favor of their national counterparts, hold tremendous power and influence over our day-to-day lives. Voters determine who will propose, adopt, and carry out policies impacting the condition of our streets, allocation of public financial resources, safety of our neighborhoods, and our overall business climate.
Through our commitment to Gaston County residents and business owners, the Gaston Business Association has taken the initiative to host several candidate forums. These forums are designed to ensure that residents have access to the information needed to make informed decisions at the ballot box.
In addition to the forums, we asked candidates to share their background and achievements, explain what inspired them to run for office, and provide what qualities and experiences make them well-suited for the role.
Most significantly, candidates detailed their top priorities for our cities and towns (specifically concerning the business community), and how they plan to address these priorities if elected. Furthermore, candidates expressed their positions on important local issues such as economic development, public safety, transportation, and infrastructure.
By providing these insights, the GBA is facilitating an environment where our residents and business owners can get to know the candidates on a deeper level. This knowledge is essential for informed decision-making.
So, don't miss this chance.
Be informed, be involved, and cast your vote for the future of our beloved county.
Your vote is your voice – use it wisely.
Patrick Mumford President & CEO Gaston Business Association